Eltern isolierter Kinder_Englisch


Autor: Erika Saint Paul

Isolation measures

Information for parents

Your child has an infectious disease. To protect you and other patients, we will inform you about the necessary isolation measures.


If you are visiting:

  •  Please remove rings, bracelets, watches, and other jewelry.
  • Wash and disinfect your hands according to the instructions at the sink.
  • Please wear a mask if you are feeling unwell.
  • If you use a mobile phone, disinfect it beforehand. Ask the nursing staff which disinfecting wipe you can use for this.
  • You may now go to your child.
  • Before leaving the room, disinfect your hands.
  • Outside the room, please wear a mask.
  • The café and restaurant should not be visited.


If you are staying overnight in the parents' room:


  • Please continue to follow the hand hygiene guidelines mentioned above.
  • The left toilet next to the parents' rooms is available for you. You may also take a shower on site. Please leave the toilet facilities clean.
  • You may stay in the outdoor area (park) or in your parents' room.
  • You are not allowed to go to the café or the restaurant.
  • You can order all main meals from the nursing staff. Meals must be taken in your room.
  • You may bring a breast pump into the room and pump there.


General Information:

  • Visitor policy: Only you, as the parents, are allowed to visit, 24/7.


For questions or uncertainties, please contact the Neonatology team.